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    Microsoft Azure Cloud & Azure DevOps Curriculum
    Microsoft Azure Cloud & Azure DevOps Curriculum
    350+ member

    Microsoft Azure Cloud & Azure DevOps Curriculum

    Why Cloud?

    ● Why Cloud and what is Cloud Computing?
    ● Identify the features and benefits of cloud computing
    ● Different types of Cloud Computing deployment model
    ● Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, On-Premises
    ● Virtualization – An essential in cloud
    ● Virtualization in Cloud model
    ● Different types of virtualization
    ● Hypervisor – Benefits
    ● Different types of services and its difference in Cloud computing
    ● IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
    ● Importance of scaling in cloud computing
    ● Different types of scaling and its applications
    ● Issues we overcome using cloud and applications
    ● Cost model that we use in cloud computing

    A kick start on the Microsoft Azure platform

    ● Microsoft Azure – An High-level overview
    ● Creation of Azure account
    ● Overview of the services provided in Azure
    ● Learn support center help and other controls

    Managing Microsoft Azure Subscription

    ● Creating subscription for the account
    ● Cost center and tagging
    ● Azure policies

    Azure Resource Management

    ● Managing and analyzing Azure resource
    ● Diagnostics and baseline environment
    ● Creating alerts and metrics
    ● Managing costs
    ● Log analysis

    Azure Virtual Machines

    ● Introduction to Virtual machine architecture
    ● Azure Virtual machine – an overview
    ● Understanding different families of virtual machines
    ● Understanding the plans and costs of virtual machines
    ● Creating a virtual machine
    ● Connecting the virtual machine remotely
    ● Understanding VM Availability
    ● Understanding and setting virtual machine monitoring
    ● Virtual Machine scale sets (VMSS)
    ● Creating windows and Linux virtual machines

    Managing Azure Virtual Machines

    ● Adding additional data disks to Virtual machine
    ● Adding network interface cards to virtual machines
    ● Changing different VM size
    ● Redeploying virtual machines

    Azure Virtual machine backups

    ● Understanding virtual machine backups
    ● Virtual machine backup jobs and restores
    ● Hands-on on virtual machine concepts

    Azure Virtual Networks

    ● Understanding Basic networking
    ● Understanding CIDR
    ● Creation of virtual networks
    ● Public IP addressing concepts
    ● Learning network routing on azure
    ● Setup virtual networks peering between different virtual networks
    ● Vnet to vnet connection

    Introduction to Load Balancing

    ● Setup Load Balancer
    ● Front End IP Configuration

    Azure network security groups

    ● An intro to Network security groups
    ● Implementing Network security group rules

    Azure DNS Services

    ● Azure DNS services introduction
    ● Assigning custom domains

    Azure AD – Basic vs Premium

    ● Introduction and Creating Azure AD
    ● Adding our Custom Domains
    ● Learn about AD Identity Protection
    ● How to implement Self Service Password Reset
    ● Conditional Access and Access Reviews

    Implementing MFA

    ● Azure AD MFA – An introduction
    ● Azure AD Conditional Access
    ● Configuring Fraud Alerts
    ● MFA One Time Bypass

    Azure RBAC

    ● Understanding Azure Role-based access control (RBAC)
    ● Creating custom RBAC

    Creating and configuring storage accounts

    ● Create Storage Account
    ● Virtual Networks and Firewalls
    ● Access Keys and SAS
    ● Storage Explorer
    ● Log Analytics
    ● Redundant Storage



    ● Introduction to the Azure DevOps
    ● Creating Azure DevOps Organization
    ● Creating Team Projects and Teams
    ● DevOps Licensing

    Azure Boards

    ● Azure Boards Overview
    ● Work Items
    ● Working with Boards and Sprints
    ● Working with Backlog
    ● Bugs

    Azure Repository

    ● Introduction to Azure Repos
    ● Source Control
    ● Working with Git Repo o Understanding Git
    ● Creating a Git Repo in Azure DevOps
    ● Git Branching
    ● Branching strategies
        ❖ Git Glow
        ❖ Git Hub Flow
    ● Branching and Merging
    ● Managing Git Repositories
    ● Branch Authorizations and Policies

    Azure Pipelines

    ● Azure Pipelines Overview

    ● Manage Azure Pipeline Infrastructure
        ❖ DevOps Agents overview
        ❖ Hosted vs Self-hosted Agents
        ❖ Implementing Self-hosted Agents
        ❖ Docker with Azure Pipeline

    ● Creating Build Pipeline
        ❖ Build Fundamentals
        ❖ Build Details
        ❖ Build Triggers
        ❖ Build options
        ❖ Optimizing the build
        ❖ Building a Docker Image
        ❖ Build Pipeline for .Net Core Application

    ● Deployment and Task Groups
        ❖ Understanding Deployment Groups
        ❖ Understanding Task Groups 

    Azure Test Plans

    ● Introduction to Azure Test Plans
    ● Types of Tests
    ● Running Automated Tests in a Pipeline
    ● Creating and Executing Manual Tests

    Azure Artifacts

    ● Introduction to Azure Artifacts
    ● About Feeds
    ● Creating a Feed
    ● Publishing NuGet Packages
    ● Consuming NuGet Packages

    Demo Project 1: Automated Workflow for build and release pipeline for deploying
    application on Microsoft Azure

    Microsoft Azure Cloud & Azure DevOps Curriculum
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    Maya Sharma Designation

    I enrolled in the Java course at Ria Academy, and it was a game-changer. The comprehensive curriculum and interactive sessions helped me grasp complex concepts easily. Thanks to the Academy.

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    Ria Academy was the best decision I made. The variety of courses and the quality of education surpassed my expectations. I'm now equipped with skills that are directly applicable in the industry."

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    SAP training at Ria Academy was worth every moment. The trainers are professionals with real-world experience, and the course material is aligned with industry demands.

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